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De acuerdo a la siguiente tabla desarrollaré el cuestionario: READING COMPREHENSION EXCERSIDE 1 1) Before reading: Aplique las estrategias 1 y 4 antes de leer el texto "Spider Webs" y explique a continuación cuáles son las ideas generadas a partir de la lectura global. ANSWER: The text talks about spiderwebs, their function and structure. And also it speaks consequences about those who remain caught in the spiderwebs. 2) While reading: Aplique las estrategias 3 y deduzca la idea principal de cada párrafo antes de leer el texto por completo. ANSWER: The principal idea is about the functions and structure of spider webs and about three things that are fundamental. After reading: Answer, in English, the comprehension questions by applying strategy nº2. Comprehension Questions: 3) This passage is mostly about: A. Spider colors. B . Spider webs. C. Spider eg...